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Cork City Marathon Apologise To participants On Water Shortages

Cork City Marathon have issued a statement to participants by email on the water shortages that took place at The Cork City Marathon / Half and the inaugural 10k race on Sunday 4th June 2023.

A statement on this issue has come only now near a month after the event , many runners took to social media to talk of the lack of water on route as well as no water at the finish line and even having to buy water on route in local shops. The Cork City Marathon team have not used their social platforms or website to address this matter to date.

Water is a top priority at any races and more so if you factor in the heat that we had in June, it should have been more of a concern that runners had plenty of water.

This should not happen at a top Irish running event or any running event for that matter , We have emailed the Cork City Marathon for further comment on this issue and will add to our next magazine issue if we receive a reply .

Cork City Marathon Statement in Full follows ........


Dear participant,

The Cork City Marathon team would like to wholeheartedly thank you for taking part in this year's event which included the full-marathon, half-marathon and inaugural 10k race.

On behalf of Cork City Council, the Defence Forces and Davis Events Agency we would like to apologise to you for the fact that water was not available at a small number of stations for short periods. We apologise for any discomfort this may have caused. The Defence Forces kindly organise the distribution of water to water stations and around the course for the event.

Taking the predicted warm weather into account significant additional water was ordered. More than 60,000 bottles of water were ordered and delivered for the event and there were several thousand leftover, so water did not run out.

But it has emerged in our investigation that not all of the water made it to the intended locations. Secondly, there were some gaps in re-supply to stations during the marathon. As part of the review, we will put additional resources into logistics and re-supply and extra security at water stations and stores for future events and ensure this cannot happen again.

We take all feedback into account for the planning of future events. The water supply and distribution plan for the 2024 event will of course be part of this exercise and we welcome any other feedback and ideas you have on how we can improve the Cork City Marathon.

Best regards,

Cork City Marathon Team


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