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New relay baton for the 2024 Moy Park Belfast City Marathon

Cool FM presenter, Kat Walker, and Candour Track Club athlete, Luke Kelly

Runners taking on the Team Relay on Sunday 5th May will carry the baton, with an integrated timing chip, before passing it onto the next runner. Teams will continue to have access to split leg times, as well as their overall team time. We expect the introduction of the baton to add to the incredible atmosphere and competitive buzz that the Team Relay has to offer

Add to this exciting announcement, organisers are offering an increased prize fund this year with cash prizes and concert tickets up for grabs thanks to Cool FM, Downtown Radio and Downtown Country   You don’t need to be the fastest team to win – there’s prizes for corporate and junior categories, as well as most original team name and special merit.

 So, grab your mates, colleagues, friends and family and sign up NOW HERE

* Early bird entries are available until midnight 31st January


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